Thursday, April 16, 2009

Made For Glory

By now many of you have probably read about or watched Susan Boyle's performance on Britain's Got Talent. If you haven't, you can watch it below

I don't normally like that sort of show but when I came across this this morning I was completely blown away. Here is someone who spent her entire life being despised and rejected. She got up in front of the crowd and was mocked by 3,000 people. Then, over the course of a three minute song all that got turned on its head. Just as He promised He would, God used the foolish things of this world to shame the wise.

The whole time I was watching it God kept raising in my heart Romans 8:19, "For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are."

Christianity offers is a return to the glory we were always meant to have. It's a restoration process that will ultimately one day culminate in God revealing our restored and glorious hearts to the world.

It's so easy to forget that. In our day to day lives a casual agnosticism sets in. We forget that God is fighting for us, is restoring us, is transforming us. We don't worship a distant God. We worship a God who wants to be active in every part of our lives so He can spread His glory in us.

That's why stories like Susan Boyle's, not to mention all the other stories, true and fiction, that stir your heart, are so important. They point us to the larger truth of what God is up to. We might be despised, hated and mocked but in the end He'll reveal the glory, the good work as Paul says, that He's been building in our hearts since we came to Christ.

Susan Boyle's performance is one of the most powerful examples of this I've ever seen. But it's nothing compared to what's coming, the day when God reveals His true children and the glory He's created in them.


Cathy said...

I couldn't agree more; thanks for your insight on this story. I don't think I've ever seen anything like this and I appreciate your thoughts!

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