Last night I was finally able to catch up with the last few episodes of Battlestar Galactica Season 4 (Technically we're only halfway through season 4 but since the powers that be split it in half and aren't giving us any new episodes until 2009 (grrrrrr) this is essentially the end of the season.) I'll avoid spoilers for both these episodes and the show as a whole, but as a good and loyal geek I can't help posting about just how awesome this year's finale was.
Like any show BSG has had its ups and downs (mostly ups). The second halves of seasons 2 and 3 each had a couple of lousy episodes but this season has not had a single disappointing show. The finale was suspensful, exciting and maintained BSG's reputation for controversial endings. But what's really great about where this season left us is that it's impossible to know where the show is going from here. There's only ten episodes left and after last night I have no idea what's going to happen in them.
If you're even remotely a sci-fi fan and haven't checked out BSG, what's wrong with you? This is one of the best tv shows of all time, sci-fi or otherwise. Make sure you start with the miniseries and watch every episode IN ORDER. You can get the miniseries bundled with the first season here
I've heard tons of good things about the show, in fact my good friend BJ is a MAJOR BsG fan. But I gotta tell you, I'm not paying $40 for one season. Know anywhere I can stream back episodes online?
Amazon's crappy unbox download site has them for sale but at the prices they're asking it's really not worth it. has everything post miniseries for free. Unfortunately the miniseries is essential and the quality there is hit and miss.
I've got the miniseries plus season 1 on HD DVD. Any chance you've got an HD player?
Nope, it's just a boring old DVD. It won't play HD DVDs?
Nope. I'm not entirely sure what happens if you put a hi def dvd into a normal dvd player but at best it makes both the disk and the player very confused
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