Sunday, June 1, 2008

Screaming + Preaching = Screeching?

The latest from the now infamous Trinity United Church of Christ:

I do want to say I'm glad Barack Obama has finally done the right thing and resigned from this church (though I still have to wonder why it took him 20+ years to realize what most of us managed to grasp after five minutes of video footage).

That said, I'm not posting this to talk about the election. You can find good analysis on that all over the net and you don't need me to regurgitate it for you. I'm posting this video because I believe it's extremely sad to watch this happening from any pulpit. I don't care where you are on the political spectrum, this is NOT what the Gospel is about. I say that not because I think politics are unimportant but because God is after something so much deeper than what's being preached here. And His message is being buried under a heap of bitterness and anger. I'd feel the same way even if the "sermon" was about tax cuts and limited government.

Finally, I think we could all agree that we'd be better off if pastors would avoid nearly giving themselves heart attacks while on stage. What Michael Pfleger is doing is about performance and himself. Even if he was preaching a real message, the Gospel will to some degree get buried if it's presented in such an egotistical fashion. No matter the topic, tone down the screeching and make room for God to speak

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I couldn't agree more. Pity this man if he doesn't wake up and realize this before he meets the King face-to-face, as we all must do. Especially as a teacher of the Word (supposedly)when scripture makes it quite clear that teachers are held to a higher standard.