Fear not comic book movie fans, The Incredible Hulk is nothing like the putrid, snore inducing, far too long Ang Lee's 2003 version was. Don't get me wrong, we're not talking Shakespeare here but the new movie does have a coherent plot, great action and mostly good acting.
The first half of the movie is great as Bruce Banner does his best to avoid being captured and occasionally turns very big and very green. There are some great chase scenes here (at times you'll think you're watching The Bourne Hulkamtum). It's suspenseful and a lot of fun.
The second half is way more conventional, culminating in a giant CGI Hulk vs. CGI Abomination battle that would be cool if we hadn't already seen the same thing in virtually every other comic book movie ever made. It's not bad but it's not that good either. Thankfully everything that comes before is more than good enough to make up for any failings here.
This should be a very good movie year for us geeks. We've already had Iron Man and next month we get The Dark Knight, Hellboy 2, and X-Files. This one will probably be the weakest of the bunch but it's still a lot of fun. If you're a fellow geek or just like big green monsters you'll enjoy it a lot
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I am SO in. Looking forward to having you guys back!
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