One thing the book really exposed to me is just how backward we have our priorities when it comes to trust. Manning writes, "Ruthless trust ultimately comes down to this: faith in the person of Jesus and hope in his promise. In spite of all disconcerting appearances, we stare down death without nervousness and anticipate resurrection solely because Jesus has said, 'You have my word on it.'"
Like most Christians, I've had my doubts in my faith. But by and large I am able to say, without reservation, that I believe I will go to Heaven when I die because of what Jesus did on the cross. I am willing to trust my immortal soul on the belief that Jesus really did what the Gospel's say He did and that it was enough. I've staked everything on this and if it's wrong all I have is the vague hope I'll get lucky. But despite the high stakes, I feel very calm trusting in this. I believe it's true.
So if I'm willing to so calmly trust what will happen to me when I die, why is it so tough for me to believe that God is going to provide work for me next month? Why do I wake up in the morning knowing I have a meeting later in the day and feel I'm doomed to failure? Why do I spend so much time worrying about my basic, earthly needs?
It's all backwards and as I begin to realize that the freedom I feel is unbelievable. Everything I need for eternity has been taking care of on the cross. God handled sin like it was nothing. He pinned it to the ground and took away its power. If He could do that then of course I can trust Him with all this other, smaller stuff.
The objection that rises in me at this point is, "that's nice but what about all that pain? What about the bad things that really do happen?" Manning doesn't side step that question at all in the book. Large sections are devoted to exactly that problem. And as he handles it, he shows that trusting God does not mean trusting that nothing bad will happen. It means trusting Him to carry us through the bad things, to work all things together for good. It's trusting that He is good in a world that is fallen. It's trusting that if God allows evil in our lives, He is faithful to walk beside us through all of it. (Note: For more on the problem of evil I would strongly recommend The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis)
If trust is something you have a tough time with, read this book. It's powerful and life changing. And it doesn't hurt that Brennan Manning is an amazing writer. If you haven't encountered any of his stuff, this is a great place to start.
Interesting that your posting is EXACTLY what I'm struggling with, this very moment. Check the time stamp on this post...yes it's 3:13 in the morning. I woke up in the middle of the night w/financial worries and I can't get back to sleep. I thought I'd read a few blogs and get back to bed. Thanks for posting this.
I KNOW that God is my Jehovah Jireh (the Lord who provides), but why do I struggle with trusting him for the simple things, like food? He's never, ever let me down. Why can't I believe in him in the future?
My faith is so small sometimes....
Forgive me God for not trusting you. Allow my faith to grow from dependence on myself (which is no faith at all) to trusting you for my every need.
Thanks Ben...God used you tonight.
I'm going back to bed.
Hearing that God used something I wrote to help you is just about the highest compliment I could receive, so thank you.
I'm thinking you and I are developing some weird telepathic connection. Your Ebb and Flow post was exactly what was on my mind and now this. I guess that's a sign that we have a good foundation for our small group and friendship!
I know what you mean about being able to look back and see God's provision but still struggle with believing it will be there tomorrow. It really comes down to living step by step.
One other quick anecdote. As you know, I work with my Dad in the computer business. A couple years ago when I was still getting established we went through a rough time with not a lot of work. I remember talking to him one night, very scared, and him saying to me, "Do you think I brought you this far just to let you fail?" It blew me away, in part because I knew it wasn't just what he was saying but also what God was saying. If that's the kind of attitude my earthly father has towards getting me through, how much more should I be able to trust me Heavenly Father?
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