Ever since then, I haven't gone more than a few weeks without my world being turned wonderfully on its head. First there was the pregnancy test, more than a little shocking since we hadn't planned on trying for a kid until later this year. About a month later came our first ultrasound. We saw her in the typical 2D ultrasound: black and white and grainy but to me it was the most beautiful picture in the world. We were able to see her heart beat that day. It's a moment I'll never forget.
More recently we found out that we were having a girl and my world changed again. I could put a name, Elise Ruth (Ellie), to the child inside Annie. A couple weeks later I was able to feel her kick for the first time and suddenly my daughter was very, very real.
Today was another one of those life changing moments. Separate from our normal doctor visits, we had a 4D ultrasound. I won't even try to explain the technology but using advanced equipment, this type of ultrasound moves way beyond your traditional dark and grainy picture and lets you see what your baby actually looks like. These are a couple of the pictures from the ultrasound

Even after having watched the ultrasound live (and been through the DVD twice with relatives), I'm still blown away looking at these pictures. When the Psalmist writes of being fearfully and wonderfully made, of being knit together in his mother's womb: this is what he's talking about. It's awesome. It's a miracle.
One final thought. Looking at these pictures I can't help but feel sad knowing there are hundreds of babies, just like Ellie, being killed in the womb every day. Both Ellie and all of the unborn are alive and their lives are worth defending. I watched my daughter smile today. It breaks my heart to know there are unborn children smiling one moment and being killed the next. No matter where you come down on the political spectrum, please pray for the end of abortion. Pray that God would soften hearts, that He would use images like this to help people to see. And for the mothers who have already made that choice, may they know His love and forgiveness and that their child will be waiting for them in the arms of the Father when they come home.
Thanks again for letting me come today. It was a wonderful blessing that I will never forget. To your final paragraph, I say Amen! I also pray images like this will soften hearts, open eyes and that Jesus would be right there assuring women who have made this decision that His forgiveness extends to them too, if they will just seek Him. Life is precious and is a great gift from Him. It was special today to be able to peek into this quiet world of Ellie's. Can't wait to meet her in person.
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Ellie is so blessed to have you as her Daddy.
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