Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Seeing the Small Blessings

God gave me one of those great eye opening experiences today and I wanted to share it with you. This afternoon Annie and I decided to go for a bike ride. Now neither of us are huge bikers and when we got out we're looking for a peaceful and moderately easy ride. Since moving to Ramsey we'd driven by a park near our house several times that looked like it had good trails so we decided to check it out.

When we got there, we found that most of the trails were very narrow, very curvy and very hilly. There was only one that was wider and more like what we were looking for. We took that one but after about half a mile it ended forcing us to turn around. When we got back to the car I was disappointed and annoyed. What moron decided to put in a half mile trail? Why do all those other trails have to be so advanced? I wanted a good bike ride, not a dippy little one mile jaunt.

A few seconds later Annie rode up behind me. Before I could voice my feelings, she got off her bike, smiling, and started talking about how much fun she'd had being outside and spending time together. She even said she was feeling encouraged since she got up the hills ok.

As I loaded up the bikes I thought about the differences in our reactions. My expectations, demands really, for this bike ride had kept me from experiencing the simple joy Annie had. It wasn't that she was thrilled about the trail ending, we both agreed we probably won't go back to this park, but she saw past that while I was stuck in disappointment.

I wonder how often that happens to me and I don't even realize it. I'm reminded of how during His trial Jesus is sent to appear before Herod. Herod expects a magic show. He wants to see the miracles he's heard so much about. But Jesus won't have any of it. He just stands there silent, refusing to be put on display. How different it might have been for Herod if he'd been willing to lay aside his demands and expectations and simply been content to be in the presence of Jesus.

I think I make Herod's mistake far more often than I'd like to admit. I want big magic shows from God. If I go out biking I want it to be exactly how I like it. And when it doesn't happen I get ticked. Meanwhile God's hands are open wide, filled with small and wonderful blessings if only I'd be willing to set aside my agenda to receive them.

Part of the problem, it seems to me, is the pace at which we live. Just like it's hard to make out the details of the countryside when you're driving by at eighty miles per hour, it's tough to catch anything but the big blessings when you're blasting your way through life. It takes a contemplative mind to both see and receive the small blessings. As A.W. Tozer reminds us, "God has not bowed to our nervous haste nor embraced the methods of our machine age"

I should also point out that small does not mean inferior. The small and subtle blessing of time with my wife is far better than a good bike ride.

Today made me realize how much I still need transformation here. I need to quit demanding magic shows and expecting God to meet me on my terms. It's time to receive the peace He gives, practice contemplation and meet Him on His terms. Only then can I truly begin to receive His blessings, big and small.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

This is a lesson that can take a lifetime of practice. But learning while you are young to start seeing the blessings in small things will make it easier to continue to learn and grow in this as life takes it's inevitable twists and turns on us as we get older. Remember, Elijah expected to see God in the wind, whirlwinds, storms, etc., after he ran from Jezebel. But it was in the quietness afterwards that God made Himself known. Another thing to observe here...it can be very easy to squash another's joy by complaining. I'm glad God spoke to you in this and showed you the difference in yours and Annie's reactions. So, Amen to this post!!